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This sophisticated scanner has 500 alpha-tagged channels in a convenient compact design with loads of features.

Bank 1 – West Slope Fire Dispatch & Command
Fire Dispatch (Priority)– All El Dorado & Amador County west slope fire & EMS dispatch.
Fire Command – All traffic once units are dispatched and either en-route or on scene
USFS Fire – US Forest Service fire traffic once units are dispatched and either en-route or on scene

Bank 2 – El Dorado Law Enforcement
EDSO – El Dorado County Sheriff Department Main Channel
USFS Law – US Forest Service Law Enforcement
CHP Green – California Highway Patrol – Placerville/Auburn/Grass Valley

Bank 3 – Aircraft, EMS & Fire
CALCORD – Air Ambulance traffic between ground units and aircraft
CDF AIR/GROUND 1, 2, 3 – Air to Ground traffic on CAL FIRE Incidents
AIR/GROUND 14, 59 – Air to Ground traffic on USFS Incidents

Bank 4 – Tactical – Fires & Traffic Collisions
CDF TAC 2, 5, 8, 9 – CAL FIRE tactical channels
VFIRE 21-26 – Incident tactical channels
USFS Tac 4-5 – US Forest Service tactical channels
NIFC TAC 1-3,5-7 – National Interagency Fire Center Tactical channels
Tactical channels are used for units at a scene to communicate with each other. You will only hear this traffic if you are in range of units at scene. Usually only about 1 mile range.

Bank 5 – Weather
WX 1-6 – Weather Channels – Channel will broadcast weather continuously for your area. Using bank 5 will cause scanner to lock onto weather until bank is disabled.

Bank 6 – CALFIRE Command Repeater Network
CALFIRE CMD 1-4,6-12 – Major incidents (large fires) will typically move to this repeater network for command traffic.

Bank 7 – Amateur Radio
805 Repeater – High Sierra 805 repeater with link into Rubicon trail area. Used frequently for emergency coordination by amateur radio operators in the back country.

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